A “404 error” or “404 page not found” is a standard HTTP response code indicating that the server couldn’t find the requested resource or webpage. When a user tries to access a URL that doesn’t exist or has been moved or deleted, the server returns a 404-status code along with a 404-error page to inform the user that the content they’re looking for cannot be found.

HTTP Status Code: The 404 error is a client-side error, meaning it’s the user’s fault for typing in the wrong URL or trying to access a non-existent resource.

Purpose: The purpose of a 404-error page is to provide feedback to users and help them understand that the requested content is unavailable.

User Experience: A well-designed 404 error page can enhance the user experience by providing helpful information, navigation options, to engage users and keep them on the website.

Customization: Many websites create custom 404 error pages to maintain their branding and provide more information. These pages often include a search bar, links to the homepage, popular content, or a sitemap to help users find what they are looking for.

Useful Elements: Elements commonly found on 404 error pages include a clear and friendly error message, a search box, a link to the homepage, a list of popular or recent content, and sometimes contact information for site administrators or support.

SEO Considerations: If a page has permanently moved, it’s best to use a 301 redirect to the new location. For temporarily unavailable pages, you can use a 503-status code. Custom 404 pages should have a no-index meta tag to prevent search engines from indexing them.

Monitoring: Website owners often monitor their server logs or use website analytics tools to identify 404 errors. This helps them discover and fix broken links or missing content.

Redirects: In some cases, webmasters set up 301 redirects to automatically send users from a deprecated URL to a relevant, existing page, reducing the likelihood of users encountering 404 errors.

Mobile and Responsive Design: When designing custom 404 error pages, consider responsive design principles to ensure they display properly on various devices, including mobile phones and tablets. 404 error page is an essential part of user-friendly web design and can help retain visitors.

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